Cocha Cashu in a Nutshell


Established: in 1969

Years of operation: 50

Location: Manu National Park, southeastern Peru, at 11˚88’S and 71˚41’W.

Altitude: ~ 340 m above sea level

Kilometres of trails: 52

Number of publications: 800+

Number of completed PhDs: 37

Average annual rainfall: approx. AN80_Caratula2,500mm, most falling between November and May.

Average annual temperature: 24˚C (min. 9˚C, max. 34˚C)

Number of plant species: 1,460+

Number of non-flying mammal species: 70+

R1_Capitulo5Number of fish species: 60+

Number of bird species: 528

Number of amphibian species: 82

Size and age of the Cocha Cashu lake: 24 ha (1.5 – 2m deep), 100 to 150 years

Photos: Frank Hajek