James Sheppard (Institute for Conservation Research) has created an online public GIS map of Cocha Cashu that enables users to switch on or off various geospatial layers under the ‘Content’ tab to create their own maps, including (for starters):
- The field station
- The met station
- The trails
- A custom high-res satellite image
- A digital elevation model
Users can make basic measurements and spatial enquiries with these data layers and print maps with a legend using their own computer, smartphone or tablet. The data layers have metadata explaining their origin, format and permissions. The field station icon has a popup that links to the SDZG Cocha Cashu website and the Cocha Cashu Facebook page. The met station icon has a popup that links to the weather data site.
Feel free to open it, click on icons, add or remove content, zoom in or out and play around etc. There are plenty of layers that could be added to this online map – e.g., hydrology, primate sightings, soil samples, animal telemetry data, leaf litter traps, camera traps. If people want to send James their data he would be happy to load it as a layer. He can also control whether the data is made public or for viewing by SDZG staff and collaborators. To create a public (and free) ArcGIS account, go to https://www.arcgis.com/home/ signin.html