User contributions for the Cocha Cashu Biological Station
The management experience over the last seven years has shown us that a station of the characteristics of Cocha Cashu cannot operate exclusively with the contributions of its visitors; it is necessary to count on additional income. Visitor payment covers only between 20-25% of the station’s operating costs. This payment is therefore called a user “contribution”, not a ‘rate’ or ‘fee’, to highlight the cooperative spirit in Station management.
San Diego Zoo Global is committed to supporting SERNANP’s efforts to maintain Cocha Cashu as a stellar site for inspiration and knowledge generation. Thus, we will continue with our aim to keep user contributions as low as possible. Towards this end, we would like to thank the donors who have accompanied us during these years to make Cocha Cashu a very special place in our hearts.
Please see the following links for our boat fees and Station contributions:
Station Contributions / Tarifas de la Estacion 2020
Boat fees / Tarifas de los botes 2020
Contribution to combat climate crisis
All human activities, including research and conservation operations, generate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that contribute to increase GHG concentrations in the atmosphere and hence aggravate the climate crisis. In light of this, Cocha Cashu Biological Station (CCBS), managed by SERNANP and San Diego Zoo Global Peru, has calculated the GHG emissions of its operations since 2018 and has ongoing measures to reduce its environmental footprint. As from 1st January 2020 the station and its visitors will offset their residual GHG emissions through concrete conservation and restoration actions that protect rainforest carbon stocks, led by indigenous communities bordering Manu National Park.
Carbon offsets and conservation through Regenera
Cocha Cashu Biological Station is working with the B Corporation Nature Services Peru to locally offset emissions through Regenera. Regenera is a network of people, organizations and rural guardians dedicated to caring for and restoring nature in Peru, preserving biodiversity and fighting climate change. The network ensures technical and financial support to forest guardians, strengthening their organization and their capacities to manage their lands and carry out productive activities in a responsible manner. In Manu, participating communities have committed to Life Plans that support forest-based governance and economic practices, and carry out monthly patrols to protect their lands from agricultural invasion and illegal logging, thus avoiding deforestation and increasing their forest carbon stocks. This is done in coordination with ongoing activities supported by local authorities or development organizations.
Specifically, the income generated through Cashu’s contributions will be distributed according to the following arrangement:
- 60% to the neighbouring indigenous communities of Shipetiari, Palotoa Teparo and Isla de los Valles for surveillance patrols, forest restoration activities and communal organization activities prioritized by each Community.
- 20% lo local conservation organizations for capacity building and social capital development with these indigenous communities.
- 20% to Nature Services Perú for coordinating and marketing the Regenera program.
Please click on Climate crisis contribution-contribucion crisis climatica 2020 to see the climate crisis contribution for international or national visitors.